What I learned at the FWRA conferance

I (David Hudson) recently attended the FWRA (Florida Rural Water Assoc.) conference as Porpoise Point’s representative.  I gave up 3 days of time but learned a wealth of information to assist and further professionalize our water system output and procedures.  The quick version is: PP performs water distribution at a relatively high level (equipment in “good” shape, financially stable, no debt) and yet there is room for much improvement (formalized planning vs shooting from the hip).  Tim and I both plan to become certified in the water distribution side to provide additional services to our residents while keeping costs to a minimum.

FWRA reminded me:

1-Each of us BEGINS and ENDS our day with water.

2-Water is taken for granted, until there is an interruption.  And there is NEVER a good time for an interruption.   Yet fact is, interruptions happen.  

Moving Forward:

1-Formalizing our Asset Management Program (M&R like replacing GVs) and Capital Improvement Program (Future Spending $$$ like new plant) and Rates/Funding Reviews

2-Additional Training/Education and Certifications, Regulatory Requirements, etc.

3-Well issues, treatment issues, pumping issues, storage issues, and more

4-Revisiting the generator issue, increased resiliency and hardening our facility

More on this subject as progress is made.  Thanks for your time and interest.  We are stewards of your money and your trust and we are doing what we can to improve it everyday.

PP Water Committee