SJC recently improved our swale system.   As usual, there are some misunderstandings of what the purpose of the swale system is (and is NOT).

First and foremost, it is DESIGNED TO EVACUATE WATER FROM THE ROADWAY providing safe passage and access to homes in event of high water.  It does this by allowing water to move from one lot to another, one block to another, distributing it throughout the neighborhood.  This allows water to disperse over a LARGER AREA than just the ocean front, or bay side, etc.   AND IF HIGH ENOUGH, it will find its way to our outfall(s) to eventually drain out.

Secondarily, even if water does not crest the roadway, the swale system serves as our “retention pond” until it can percolate into the ground.   Ever notice we do not have a retention pond in PP?  The swale system is it…

Please note every drop of water will NOT find its way to our outfall(s).  ONLY THE HIGH WATER WILL.  The outfall was not designed to handle regular rainfall and other water low/medium water events.

Why does water sit in my swale longer than other yards?  It could be that your culvert is blocked.  (clearing culverts was one of the major goals of the recent county action however they could get clogged or fill with sand again) Or more likely your culvert is not at the same level as one or both of your neighbor’s culvert.  Hint: Water flows downhill only. 

What about mosquitos?  Note that the swales system is not new.  It has been working for us for 40 years.  And the mosquitos working against us for 40 years.   SJC regularly sprays our swales after most rain events and for the most part do a good job.  However, you can always call them and request another pass.  They are paid to do just that !