SEPT. 2015 Water News – VALVES

Sept 24 – Since the April upgrades and inspection, water service has been mostly uniterrupted and worry free this summer.  New home construction and a lot break being the only minor hiccups.  However due to the rains, we still have not replaced the 2 gate valves. We will get back to this once dryer conditions return.

What are gate valves? They allow us to shut off water block by block, so if one street has an issue, remaining homes can still have water service.  It will benefit everyone of us, when all valvles are working again.

Where are they?  There are 16 gate valves throuout the subdivision.  The 2 needing to be replaced are at 207 and 212 PP Drive.

Why is it not done yet? The gate valves are approx. 6′ underground next to the road.  Digging that deep in WET conditions would allow the nearby road to collapse.  So to save the expense and hassle of shutting down the road, we wait.